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Waffle? Biscuits? Dutch caramel cookie, Stroopwafel



Stroopwafel is a sweet you must eat in the Netherlands.

It is a type of waffle, but it looks like a flat biscuit.

Between the biscuits is filled with plenty of caramel syrup called Stroop.


Be sure to try the freshly baked Stroopwafel

short video, Making Stroopwafel

You can buy the freshly baked Stroopwafel in tourist areas and street markets. And you’ll get to see the professional skill of slicing flat waffles and spread caramel it.

Freshly baked Stroopwafel is really delicious. You must try the freshly baked Stroopwafel when visiting Holland.


Also You can choose a chocolate topping at a Stroopwafel store.

But be aware that store Stroopwafels are very expensive…


Stroopwafel for souvenirs

Stroopwafel originated as poor biscuits made from bakery leftover dough. However, it is now a standard Dutch souvenir.

Stroopwafel can be bought at souvenir shops and supermarkets.


Supermarkets have a variety of flavors such as standard caramel, chocolate, mango, pepper, and organic.

Also, there are various sizes, from the standard size of about 10 cm in diameter, to the small bite size, and the big size of 25 cm in diameter.



How to eat delicious at home

Stroopwafels are delicious as it, but if you warm it up a little, it taste like freshly baked.

Place the Stroopwafel on top of the cup of coffee and wait 1 minute. This will warm the Stroopwafel and soften the caramel. It is Dutch style to eat with coffee.


If you forgot to buy a souvenir, you can order it from Stroopwafels.com or Amazon.

Go to Stroopwafels.com >>

Go to Amazon >>



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