Sinterklaas Day is December 6th. But dutch people celebrate Sinterklaas day one day before, on December 5th.
In the Netherlands, there is a long tradition of giving presents on December 5th. It is also called “Present Day” because families eat together and give presents each other.
How to get gifts from Sinterklaas
Sinterklaas rides a white horse through the night sky and delivers gifts to children through the chimney.
In the Netherlands, the night before the celebration of Sinterklaas (December 4th), children put their shoes near the fireplace or at the entrance. Nowadays, since most people don’t have fireplaces, it is common to place it next to the heater.
Children put a letter to Sinterklaas and a carrot for the white horse in their shoes. Sometimes they put hot chocolate or beer next to their shoes.
The next morning, the children find sweets and presents in their shoes.
Latest style gift delivery method
Traditional gifts from Sinterklaas were Pepernoot, Speculaas and letter-shaped chocolates. But now toys are common, and many presents are bigger than a child’s shoes.
Therefore, the way gifts are given has changed.
Modern Sinterklaas delivers presents in a new way.
Some children will receive a map showing where their gifts are.
Or some children will hear the doorbell ring, open the door, and find a present.
The modern version of the Sinterklaas method involves giving gifts in creative ways rather than putting them in shoes.
Traditional sweets of Sinterklaas
There are traditional sweets for Sinterklaas.
All of them can be purchased at supermarkets.
Small biscuit, Pepernoot
Small biscuits called Pepernoten are spiced biscuits mixed with cinnamon, pepper, cloves and nutmeg that taste similar to ginger cookies.
Ginger Cookie, Speculaas

<photo by: Chandra Marsono From Jasper via photopin (license)>
Speculaas are stamped cookies with Sinterklaas or windmills.
The taste varies depending on the shop and household, such as white pepper, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, etc., and almond flour.
Large Chocolate, Chocolateletters
Chocoladeletters are alphabet chocolates.
It’s traditional to give your loved one chocolates in the shape of their initials.