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【Malta】A small island country in the Mediterranean



The Republic of Malta, a small island country floating in the Mediterranean Sea, can be fully explored even on a short stay.

The Republic of Malta is suitable for tourism because prices are low and the official languages are Maltese and English.

It takes about 3 hours by direct flight from Amsterdam, and you can visit on a low budget of about €50 one way with LCC airline.

Malta is suitable for tourism because prices are low and the official languages are Maltese and English.

It takes about 3 hours by direct flight from Amsterdam, and you can visit on a low budget of about €50 one way with Low Cost Carrier.


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About Malta

Information of Malta where I stayed for about a week during summer vacation

To the City from Malta Airport

It is convenient to travel by bus from the airport to the city. Bus tickets can be purchased at the airport information desk.

Buses are the main way to move around Malta during your stay and to visit beaches and sightseeing spots. It is advantageous to purchase an unlimited ride ticket for the number of days of your stay at the information desk at the airport.

If you have a driver’s license, renting a car is very convenient. However, please note that Malta is a left-hand traffic.

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World Heritage Valletta

Valletta, the capital of Malta, is a hilltop city.

Malta’s only gridded city, Valletta retains 16th-century architecture.

Valletta was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980 with its diversity of architectural styles preserved, including Baroque, Mannerist, Modern and Neoclassical.


Valletta has many attractions such as palaces, cathedrals and museums. And the cityscape is very beautiful, so I recommend walking around Burari.

Then take the ferry from Valletta to the neighboring town of Tas-Sliema. It takes about 15 minutes one way, but the sea breeze is pleasant and you can see the city from the ferry.



Dining in malta

Prices in restaurants in Malta are about half price in Netherlands. (2017 information)

One serving;
It was around €10 for spaghetti and a glass of beer.

2 servings;
We had 2 main dishes, 1 salad to share, 2 beers and 2 glasses of wine for around €50.


There are many restaurants serving delicious pizza, spaghetti, wine, tropical fruits, olives, and fresh seafood.

Don’t forget to try the uniquely flavored craft beer CISK!


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